Welcome to Mendota Rowing Club!
This Welcome Packet has been designed to help you organize the things you need to do and learn right away as a new or renewing member. As you become involved, several things will become apparent:
We are very glad to have you as a member and we look forward to the opportunity to share the great sport of rowing with you.
The MRC Board of Directors
Things You Need to Do Right Away Things You Need to Know Signing Up for Practice |
Club Rules and Scullers Manual
All members are required to read the Club Rules and Scullers Manual each year as they change from year to year.
Please take a few minutes to review them now.
Safety Requirements
All members except Winter Members, must pass a swim test every five years. However, if you are currently a collegiate rower, you may provide MRC with written proof of your swimming ability from your college coach in lieu of MRC's swim test. Your MRC swim test must be administered by a currently certified lifeguard and turned into a coach. Most indoor pools have lifeguards who can administer the test. Swim Test Form: click here for the form. Below are pools you can contact to get help administering the test.
Signing Up for Practice
Volunteer Requirements
Because Mendota Rowing Club is a member-run organization, we require all members to commit to and log a certain amount of volunteer hours each year. The requirements are as follows:
Getting into the Boathouse
The boathouse has two doors - one on the west side of the building and the other on the Gorham St. side of the building. Both doors are securely locked 24 hours a day and require a code for entry. GET BOATHOUSE CODE
This code should only be shared with other Mendota Rowing Club members.
Team Etiquette
Below are some principles that may be useful to follow that encourage teamwork and enhance everyone’s enjoyment of the sport to the fullest.
Coxing and Safety Launch Setup
While we strive to have dedicated coxswains coxing all boats, it's not always possible and rowers sometimes have to take a turn in the cox seat. For the safety and longevity of the fleet, there are weight limits for who can cox. Coxswains that don't fit in the cox seat and must sit on the gunwales place stress on the boats in ways they weren't designed to handle. As a result, or stern loaded boats coxswains must be less than 145 lbs. For bow loaded boats, coxswains must be less than 155 lbs. Rowers who are eligible to cox will do so on a rotating basis. Those members that are not able to cox will be required to get certified to drive the launch and drive periodically so coaches can video.
Rowers who do not meet the weight limits for coxing are also expected to do their part by bearing the primary responsibility for setting up and taking down the launches before and after practice. Launch setup requires 3 people- 1 for getting the gas, 1 for carrying out the life jackets, paddles and other accessories, and one to lower the hoists.
Managing Your MRC Online Account
Click here to renew your membership if you had one of the following memberships:
Click here to renew your membership if you had one of the following memberships:
This is a list of important dates in the club's annual schedule. This is to give you a general idea of when things happen, though some of the exact dates change from year to year based on the weather an other factors.
The club has a private Facebook group for members. This is a place where you can communicate with other members and post in a setting that will only be seen by other members of the group. To join the group, Search for "Mendota Rowing Club Members" and ask to join. An admin will approve your request in the next few days.
The club also maintains a public Facebook page, and Instagram and Twitter accounts.