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National Learn To Row Day

Have you ever wanted to try rowing?

Come to this free event sponsored by US Rowing and Concept 2! Rowing clubs all over the United States open their doors to give you a taste of rowing on the ergometers (rowing machines) and on the water. Competitive and recreational rowers range from 12 to over 90, so it is never too early or too late to learn to row.

At National Learn to Row Day, you can visit and get a tour of the historic Bernard's Boathouse, learn the basic rowing stroke on indoor rowing equipment (erg), and go out on the lake for a short row in a 4 or 8-person shell (conditions permitting). Approximately 20 min. will spent at each of these stations, so plan to spend about an hour with us!

All ages are welcome, although children younger than 11 will not be permitted to row in a boat. 

All you need to do is register and show up! No swim test required.

If you'd like to row in a boat, reserve your seat and arrive 15 minutes prior to the time indicated to check in. 

For more information contact learntorow@mendotarowingclub.com.

Reserve your Seat

  • Registration opens April 15


When: Saturday, June 7, 2025  

Time: 12 - 4 PM (Last boat launches 3:20)

Where: Mendota Rowing Club Boathouse
East end of James Madison Park
622 E Gorham St.
Madison, WI 53703
(Click here for map)

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Mailing Address:
PO Box 646
Madison, WI 53701

Boathouse Address:
622 E Gorham St
Madison, WI

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