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Free Winter Rowing Intro, Group A (18+)

  • 01/11/2025
  • 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM
  • Bernard-Hoover Boathouse, 622 E. Gorham St., Madison WI
  • 8


Registration is closed

Participants enjoy a land-based introduction to skills used in rowing, and a brief tour of the historic boathouse and the Club's fleet of rowing shells. Instructors provide information about upcoming indoor winter classes and on-the-water instruction in spring.

We ask that you register for just one free winter session; later sessions present the same information. If you are ready for more, sign up for the Winter Rowing Class!

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Mailing Address:
PO Box 646
Madison, WI 53701

Boathouse Address:
622 E Gorham St
Madison, WI

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