The boathouse is alive with the sounds of Adult Advanced, Sculling, Novice Bootcamp, Learn to Row, and countless volunteer hours during this 40th anniversary year of Mendota Rowing Club! The water is warming up, the days are getting longer, and here at Mendota, we are ready for summer in Madison.
Please join us in celebrating 40 years of Mendota Rowing Club on June 6, from 3-5p, and register online ($20/ticket). Food, drinks, special guests, music, a slideshow, and camaraderie are included.
Our members, board, and coaches are busy keeping our club running smoothly, looking sharp, and serving our Madison community. We would like to sincerely thank Tim McDowell for the extensive work he did as a Treasurer to the Board for more than 2 years. His experience and expertise was extremely valuable and will be missed. A further thank you to Mark Ketilson, our new Treasurer, Andy Troyanowski, our new Secretary, and to Amy Van Aartsen who recently joined the Directors!
Happy 40 years of rowing on Lake Mendota.
Allison & The Board of Directors