Please take note of the following changes to the Club Rules:
As the board of directors and coaches continue to fine-tune the rules of the club we discovered that we have not clearly stated the consequences for not adhering to them. As a result, the board has approved the following addition to the club rules.
If a rower violates1 any of the club or sculling rules (set forth in the Sculler’s Manual) the consequences will be as follows:
First violation -
Rower will get a warning.
Second violation -
Rower will not be boated for two weeks. If the rower is an independent sculler he/she will not be allowed to scull for two weeks. If a regatta is scheduled during those two weeks he/she will not be allowed to race.
Third violation -
Rower will be considered for membership suspension.
1Infractions are at coaches' discretion with appeals to the board.
Remember all members are required to read the Club Rules and in addition, scullers are required to the read the Sculler’s Manual annually. The rules are meant for your safety, the safety of our equipment and the security of our boathouse. If you have not read the rules this year now would be a good time to do it so you don’t find yourself in violation.