Morning rowers have been testing out a new app to track attendance and plan boatings for upcoming practices and regattas. It's called Team Stuff, and so far, it's been great.
Morning rowers log into the app, so that coaches can easily manage rower contact and emergency information, as well as side preferences and sculling ability. Rowers can also indicate their attendance or absence from any practice or scheduled regatta from their home computers or smart phone with just a few clicks. Coaches can then link to a related app called Coach Stuff to set lineups, create a workout plan, and keep notes on rowers and coxswains. The app is currently free of charge - and we all hope will stay that way. It's not perfect, but according to Martha "This is easier than maintaining a single Google doc, plus more secure as each rower has their own individual log in and user identity".
For those interested in the morning program, you can get started on Team Stuff by taking a look here: Sign up as a member of the Mendota team. Once you set up a profile, you can look at Schedule and RSVP for practices. The default setting is "Yes, I'm attending" so please RSVP for the week by 7pm on Sunday evenings. Happy Rowing!