With your time, talents, and contributions, we are laying the foundation for another 40 years of a strong Mendota Rowing Club! Here's a recap of happenings around the boathouse, for which we are so grateful: Dock-In and Raising the Dock: Please forgive us for not having all the names of those who helped - it's a good problem to have, but Allison will make sure to keep better track at future events to ensure you're all mentioned properly! In addition to those who helped on dock-in and raise-the-dock days, we want to give a special shout out to Harlan, Natalie, Andy, and Ben for donning waders and hopping in the lake. Equipment & Beautification: Nancy has also been hard at work on oars, and other equipment repairs. Nancy, Kathryn, Harlan, Casey, and David have been ensuring our launches are in working order, too. Amy is applying for a grant for plants, with help from Ben, Fran, and Allison come planting time. Photo Archiving: Jennifer, a professional archivist, is working with Chad to preserve our hard copies of Mendota photos. Paul, Cory's husband, has graciously offered to donate his digital photo archive, as well! Donations: Flat Screen and Apple TV from Fran, which Ben graciously helped install. Photo frames from Kathryn, Fran, Jennifer, Elsa, Martha, Casey, Nancy, Som, Amy, and Allison. New towels from Mireille and a replacement megaphone from Fran. Membership Committee: Matt, Erin, Emily, and Michelle have been recruiting new members, creating ideas for swag. Publicity: Amy, Cory, Som, Mireille, Mark Ketilson, Elsa, Anna, and Martina are working projects such as social media, a new website design, photos, and this newsletter. Fundraising: Nancy and Fran made pogies, for sale now at the boathouse. National Learn to Row Day, morning of June 6th: Kathryn, Oliver, Laurie, Mireille and Amy are leading this big event, and volunteers continue to sign up! 40th Anniversary Reception, afternoon of June 6th: Cynthia, Peggy, Amy, and Allison are hard at work. Special thanks to Ben, Cory and her husband Paul, Som, Chad, and Alida for their donations thus far. Adult Advanced: Fran is the Adult Team head, and is working hard with Lead Coach Martha, and coaches David, Sarah, and Alyssa on all things competition-related. Chad, Fran, Som, and Kathryn are on a Coaching Committee, with a special focus on finding someone to fill Matt's shoes when he moves in July. Sculling: Thank you to Matt for keeping an eye on the water temps, and for coaching both advanced and new scullers. We will miss you when you go on to graduate school. Novice: Alyssa has begun the Novice Bootcamp! She welcomed the help of David, Mark Leahy, and Andy Miller. Learn to Row: The program has begun, and it couldn't have gotten off to a great start without the help of our volunteer instructors - Ben, Harlan, Kathryn, Sandy, and Sarah. As you can see, there is no shortage of things going on at the boathouse! Volunteers and new ideas are always sought and appreciated. Thanks for all you do!