Rowing with well-maintained equipment is a joy. Replacing worn oarlocks, getting new sets of oars and even buying a new boat periodically keeps our fleet smooth, safe and fast. But did you know that our dues only pay for a fraction of equipment costs? The remainder of the funds come from generous donations from folks like you, who know how important it is to keep our equipment in good shape.
With this in mind, this spring we are providing you the opportunity to “buy” some new equipment for the boathouse. We have generated a list of parts, tools, supplies and equipment that are needed. Please look over the list and consider pledging the cost of one (or more!) of the items listed. You may even wish to contribute toward a new midweight double, to be purchased later this year. Your generosity will be very much appreciated!!!
This fundraiser will only be active for TWO WEEKS, so do not delay in getting in your pledge!
Here's how it will work:
- Between now and April 20th, open the “Equipment Fundraiser” Google Spreadsheet
- Put your name on the line next to the item you would like to fund. If you wish to remain anonymous, enter "anonymous" on the line, and email with your pledge amount.
- If you would like to contribute to the purchase of a new 2x/2- put your pledge amount and name on the New Boat spreadsheet. If you would like to match all boat pledges made during this fund drive, list the matching amount.
· You will be invoiced for your pledged amount.
Thank you in advance for your tax-deductible contribution to keep our club equipment in great shape!